• Know Someone in Need of Healing?

    The TOS Healing Network is a free service that practitioners provide to contribute to the positive energy of an individual. This helps the healee’s body find its own balance which leads to healing. Recipients of healing have reported feeling calmer as well as having a more positive outlook. Patients who have been recipients of energetic healing have reported fewer complications during surgery and a decreased recovery time afterwards.

    To know more click here.

  • When Our Companions Need Healing

    The TOS Animal Healing Network is in its seventh year and has over 26 healers waiting to send loving healing energy to your friend. In the past year, over 90 names of different animals have been given for healing, nationally and internationally.

    To give the name of an animal you feel is need of healing, click here.

  • Stop Your FOMO and Sign Up for Our Newsletter!

    OneHeart is our quarterly newsletter that gives you information about the latest projects of the TOS, ideas about service projects you can do in your own area, and connects you to issues that are important to create a better world.

    To sign up for our newsletter, look for the signup box at the bottom left of this page.

  • Ways to Stay Healthy

    Here are some resources that might help. We hope you take advantage of them. And we are always here to help. Feel free to email us at info@theoservice.org for any questions or concerns you may have.

    Read more

  • Latest Issue of For the Love of Life

    The 2017-2018 winter issue of For the Love of Life is available to read for free online. This edition revolves around ethics. The editorial staff would like to thank its readers for all its support. Physical copies are available by request.

Latest News

Featured Project

President's Blog

Turn Up the Light!

With the passage of the Winter Solstice, we begin a New Year with a slightly increasing amount of light each day. 

The metaphor of increasing light is irresistible, filling us with hope for a peaceful, more enlightened world in the year to come.  Each year we say, "Never has the world needed Light as badly as it needs Light now."  Next, we may ask, “But what can I do?  I’m just one person."   [node:read-more:link]

Houston TS/TOS Fights Hunger in Southeast Texas

Members of the Houston TS/TOS rolled up their sleeves to ensure that ALL their neighbors will have enough to eat.  On October 28, 2023, members volunteered at the Houston Food Bank, which serves 18 counties in southeast Texas.  Thanks to hardworking staff and volunteers such as The Houston Theosophical Society, the food bank distributes 150 million nutritious meals each year! [node:read-more:link]

TOS Supports Lakota Waldorf School

On the windy plains of South Dakota, in the middle of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, stands a shining example of theosophical education.  Combining Waldorf educational methods (founded by theosophist/anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner) and traditional Lakota values, this school transforms its students’ lives, and transformation is the very essence of a theosophical school.  Let us count just a few of the ways: [node:read-more:link]



The goal of the TOS is service to our fellow humans and all of life on our planet. We encourage participation on this website through comments by both TOS members and non-members. For more detail on the TOS, please see About Us.

Know someone in need of healing?

Submit their names to the HEALING NETWORK.

Know an animal in need of healing?

Submit their name to the ANIMAL HEALING NETWORK.