Healing Network

Everyday we sense the global struggles, crises, and suffering of all sentient beings and the earth itself. Often, we are overwhelmed by the challenges, conflict and difficulties being encountered. As we face these daily issues, we question how we might respond and be of service to heal the suffering.
Dora Kunz, clairvoyant, healer, and past president of the Theosophical Society in America, shared, “the role of the healer is to focus on the person’s potential for wholeness. …From my point of view, there is a point of consciousness within everyone which has the seed of wholeness. By wholeness I mean the potential to realize the integration within oneself, and to actively direct the forces of one’s life, not to react only to the problems or the negative parts of one’s self. In each person’s makeup there may be negative patterns but there is also strength, creativity and insight; a person only need to be willing to draw on them, and these forces I consider the potential for wholeness.”
The healer enters a unified therapeutic interaction connecting with the wholeness of those suffering (healing partners) with an intentionality of centering on the intuitional field of compassion, order and creativity. We invite the universal healing power to be present, leaving our ego behind and are thus unattached to the outcome.
The Theosophical Order of Service Healing Network offers each of us a simple strategy to support global healing. This simple but highly effective healing ritual invokes the Devas of the Healing Arts to send healing love to those who suffer. The Healing Network has offered distance healing for at least 20 years. There are currently over 30 groups and individuals committed to performing healing services on a regular basis. There are many studies regarding the effectiveness of healing shared by Dolores Krieger, Ph.D., R.N. in her book A Healer’s Journey to Intuitive Knowing. In addition, L. Miles Standish wrote an article in 2007 in the Quest Magazine on “Healing Prayer-A Rationale.”
If you know of someone who is in need of healing, submit their information on our ONLINE FORM, or email the name(s) to me at: TOS7healing@gmail.com. To become a participating group of healers, send an email to TOS7healing@gmail.com. We will send you a simple process to follow and the names of healing partners on a scheduled basis. Names remain on the list for a month.
In peace and gratitude, we await your participation. Bee